Work | Databricks San Francisco, CA / Singapore Staff Software Engineer, Tech Lead - Developer ExperienceSep 2017 - Jun 2024 -
Managed a distributed team of 6 across 5 countries in 3 timezones, onboarding 5 new engineers
of varying seniority and teaching them everything necessary to be productive and effective at Databricks
Led the Devtools prioritization process: surveying engineers on their pain points, aggregating feedback, and planning projects to improve things. Increased the average self-reported happiness score from 3.1 to 3.8/5.0
Ran weekly tech talks with internal speakers to share knowledge, at both org-wide and team-specific levels
Architected Databrick"s" distributed CI system, an elastic distributed task runner with
improved stability, scalability, and usability to replace our aging Jenkins
infrastructure. Elastically scales up and down 10,000s of cloud CPUs daily to run
CI workflows while being robust against misuse, bugs, and underlying infrastructure
Architected Databricks' elastic "Dev Box" service: on-demand, high-performance
cloud development environments, managing an elastic pool of 100s of remote development
Re-architected Databricks' cloud integration testing platform from
a rough prototype to a production-ready system, managing 10,000s of kubernetes pods
split across multiple clusters, regions, and three different cloud providers
Optimized and sped up many core developer workflows (compiling Scala, CI validation, etc.) by 5-10x
- Implemented the config language used throughout Databricks including its high-performance compiler (500-1000 times faster than the upstream implementation) and IDE plugin
Cloud cost optimizations, saving on the order of millions of USD/year. Storage
optimizations, networking optimization, workflow efficiency optimizations, etc.
Dropbox San Francisco, CA Software Engineer - Developer Tools, Web Platform, Dropbox for BusinessAug 2013 - Oct 2016 |
Publishing | Hands-on Scala Programming -
A 400-page book that teaches you how to use the Scala programming language in
a practical, project-based fashion.
Available on Amazon (paperback) and Gumroad (e-book formats). Part of the
official book recommendations on the Scala Language website
Open Source | Github
I authored and maintain a number of popular, widely-adopted open-source libraries.
These form a large part of the open-source Scala ecosystem, and total over
20,000,000 monthly downloads. Some highlights include:
Ancient History | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Undergraduate Computer Science, GPA 4.8/5.0Sep 2010 - Jun 2013 Dropbox San Francisco, CA Software Engineer Intern, API TeamMay 2012 - Aug 2012 Facebook Palo Alto, CA Software Engineer Intern, Messaging TeamMay 2011 - Aug 2011 Singapore Armed Forces Singapore Lieutenant, Platoon Commander, 35th Battalion Singapore Combat EngineersJan 2008 - Nov 2009 |
Reference | Featured Articles Scala at Scale at DatabricksDeveloping Databricks' Runbot CI SolutionFast Parallel Testing at Databricks with BazelSpeedy Scala Builds with Bazel at DatabricksWriting a Faster Jsonnet CompilerMore Articles on my personal programming blogFeatured Talks A Deep Dive into the Mill Scala Build ToolThe com.lihaoyi Ecosystem: Executable Scala Pseudocode that's Easy, Boring, and Fast!Scala at Scale at DatabricksGetting Things Done in the Scala REPLSpeedy Scala Builds at DatabricksMore Talks on my personal programming blog |